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The Problem:

Shoes, wallets, glasses, keys, pens, scissors, and screwdrivers. These all have one thing in common – you’ve lost them at some point, and likely will again. Despite the breadth of home assistance technology available at our disposal, the home management issue of losing things still remains un-tackled. 

Fusion 360 Rendering of Shoe Bot

My Solution:

Shoe-Bot is a neural-network trained autonomous robot that uses machine vision to identify, document, and report the location of lost shoes.It performs shoe finding with an Open-MV Cam running Edge Impulse, then uses an ESP32 Cam to take a photo of said shoes and email said photo to the user. Based on the photo, the user is able to determine where in their home they left/lost their shoes. When no shoes are detected, Shoe-Bot autonomously patrols the home with the help of an ultrasonic distance sensor. In this, Shoe-Bot can be thought of as a Roomba that finds shoes instead of dirt. 

Version 1:
The initial prototype is pictured to the right 
Widening The Frame:
The frame was to narrow, so an extension was made using scrap steel rod. 
Final Iteration of Shoe Bot & Demonstration Video Below
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